
Incredible Life Hacks

Bundle six plastic rings and use as a pan-scrubber

Taking a cake out of the pan gets easier if you use this and don’t forget to dispose the rings off after the use.


Using iced water bottles for storing food!


Place to keep the pancake batter

Preparing pancakes can be a tough task on trips. But you can simply bring the pancake batter in a squeeze bottle which can make cooking easy.


Tinfoil Cooking

Grilling or firing are the two of the most used ways of cooking while on a trip. Using Tinfoil is perfect while grilling and firing because it does not tamper with the moisture and flavor of food. It can also be used as a tray to serve.


Make a lamp for reading

Strap a headlamp around a bottle and enjoy a great reading light experience.

What do you think?

Written by Daisy

Great culture of Spain which other countries fails to Have

Breathtaking Highways