
5 Most Weird Guinness World Record Ever Set

1. Richest Cat


2. Oldest salsa dancer


3. Rattlesnakes in the bathtub

4. Longest Hand Shake

On Sep 21, 2009 the world record of longest handshake took place in Sydney Australia. The achievers were jack tsonis and lindsey morrison who kept holding hands from 6.40 am to 7.20 pm which is 12 hrs and 50 mins.

5. Most Naked Riders In A Theme Park

On 8 Aug, 2010 some people gathered at adventure island in United Kingdom to set the record of highest amount of naked riders in a theme park. The number of total naked riders wishing to ride in a roller coaster was 102 and thus the ride was run 3 times as it occupied 40 people at a time.

What do you think?

Written by Daisy

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